Help inflammation, bruising, and edema (swelling) with natural support for overall strength and instant pain relief with non-testing alternatives to prescribed NSAIDS (Bute, Banamine, etc.) to avoid unnecessary side effects to the GI system. 

AntiFlam™ - Support Feet & Joints
Sinew-X™ - Musculoskeletal with MSM
Sinew-X + HA™ - Musculoskeltal with HA
Tetda™ - Natural Liniment
Click the link(s) to see product specifics.
Joints enable structural (skeletal) movement; tendons and ligaments stabilize joints. Supporting the soft tissue (muscles, tendons and ligaments) helps to minimize the minor injuries (evidenced by swelling) before they become major issues leading to lameness problems. 
Concussive forces on the feet will also cause bruising and edema. Check out AntiFlam™  specifically, to address recovery and body aches, especially in the back, joints, legs and feet.
Bruising can come from any number of sources: overwork, rough play, a kick, blunt force trauma (falls, accidents, etc.) and may or may not result in an obvious hematoma. Edema, on the other hand, is a swelling that may be caused by a number of issues. 

Like human athletes, horses are subject to injuries when they work hard, especially if they have not been properly conditioned for the work they are asked to do. These kinds of injuries are often a long process to heal (correctly) and rehabilitate.

See more about this here: Post Injury Repair

swelling - pain - loss of function in a body part or affected limb
injury by blunt trauma (direct blow) - falls - collisions - bad landings - (intermuscular involves the muscle only - intramuscular affects the muscle and the protective muscle sheath)
cold compress, ice or hosing - standing wraps - anti-inflammatory support - formulas to strenghten muscle, tendon, and ligaments - liniments to increase circulation
Top Acupressure Points: LU7 (head/neck) - GB21 (shoulder/neck/forelimbs) -  SI3 (forelimbs) -  BAI HUI (low back/hips/pelvis) - BL60 (hind leg - ASPIRIN POINT) - BL40 (general topline)


Want help with this? 

Ask me here about what else I usually recommend - other supportive strategies such as DIY bodywork, exercises, or my #1 fastest-working secret that you can use along with those points (you don't have to know a lot about them to use them) to help your horses.

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