AntiFlam™  - Supports Sound Feet & Joints
GLS Powder™ - Glucosamine Joint Formula
HA-180™ - Oral Hyaluronic Acid - Synovial Fluid Support
Sinew-X™ - Muscle, Joint & Ligament Formula (MSM)
Sinew-X Plus™ - Muscle, Joint & Ligament Formula (HA)

Click the link(s) above to view the product specifics for help with maintaining healthy joints (cartilage and synovial fluid), soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments) and to encourage healthy biomechanical movements (prevents injuries, lameness issues) and optimal pain-free performance. For other help with pain management - see our Light Therapy Tab in the Main Menu.



Joints provide range of motion and movement to the bones. Soft tissue (muscles, tendons, and ligaments) create the movement and stabilize the joints to maintain "structural integrity". 
Bone surfaces are covered with cartilage that move within a protective "pocket" of synovial fluid. Without proper cushioning, the bones cannot move without causing pain. Muscles, tendons and ligaments are attached to the bones to "move" the bones and keep them in controlled movement.  
All movement requires CORRECT bio-mechanical function - when one joint weakens, all others will compensate - causing soft tissue injuries, hoof imbalances, back soreness, irritability, poor performance.. and the list goes on!
Soft tissue injuries are often due to unhealthy joints, causing strains, sprains, tears, endless recovery time and may lead to permanent lameness!

Did you know that you can help your horses from the outside in with light therapy patches?
Nothing enters the body but you can stimulate the body to move pain, increase levels of important nutrients, and decrease inflammation - naturally.
Watch this video to see how:
Then, contact me to learn more.
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