AntiFlam™  - Reduces discomfort in feet and whole body
Biotic 8™ Plus - Supports a healthy GI Tract
GLS Powder™ - Glucosamine Joint Formula
Sinew-X™ - Muscles, Joints & Ligaments Formula (MSM)
Sinew-X Plus™ - Muscles, Joints & Ligaments Formula (HA)

Simply click the link(s) above to view the product suggestions and specifics to assist with basic nutrition and comfort for senior horses or horses in rehabilitation due to illness or injury.
Support joint and muscle comfort for aged horses or those in rehabilitation or lay-up.
All natural formulations to assist with inflammation, immune and GI health, and the entire musculoskeletal system (joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage) will benefit the senior horses. 
Horses in lay-up recovery also need support due to inactivity; the muscles and joints are not being used and these horses will get stiff and sore. You should also address the levels of good bacteria in the digestive tract since these horses have limited turnout and grazing.
These combinations are also good for horses just coming back into training or competition after a long period of down-time.
My favorite protocol when considering these conditions is this program: Biotic 8, AntiFlam (contains MSM) and Sinew-X Plus (contains 100 mg HA per ounce). I would suggest GLS Powder if you know you have or want to prevent joint problems.
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